Saddle-Tail® Dovetail Marker

Dove Tail Markers Saddle Tail 5

Introducing the Saddle-Tail® Dovetail Marker and layout tool, the first tool from Sterling Tool Works. The Saddle-Tail incorporates two common used tools; a dovetail marker and a saddle square into one premium tool.

The Saddle-Tail was inspired by a layout tool from Christopher Schwarz’ personal tool kit, that was designed and made by Christian Groves of Melbourne, Australia. The founder of Sterling Tool Works, Chris Kuehn used this tool during a class he attended, instructed by Mr. Schwarz.  Chris expressed an interest to bring a similar design to more hand tool artisans with some improvements and was encouraged to do so.  Chris was inspired to bring his love of tools and skills in Engineering, Manufacturing, and Woodworking to provide the Saddle-Tail to other woodworking enthusiasts and launched Sterling Tool Works to do so.   The Saddle-Tail became Sterling’s first project and product.

NOW available in 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7 and 1:8 Slopes!

ST and Dovetail Square

The Saddle-Tail is a premier Dovetail Marker layout tool with several features:

      • 1:4 Slope dovetail marker (also available in 1:5, 1:6, 1:7 & 1:8)
      • A very pleasing slope that is good for hardwood or softwoods
      • Capable of “gang marking” of  ¾” stock for carcass tail layout
      • No more marking mishaps – only one slope on this layout tool!
        • Many other dovetail markers have multiple slopes and can be inadvertently mixed during your project
      • Integral saddle square
        • Transfer your layout lines perfectly to a perpendicular face
        • No need to go back to your tool chest for a square, flip the Saddle-Tail over and its a saddle-square ready for use!
      • Easy to hold and perfectly balanced
        • When you grab it, your fingers fall into the machined recess naturally
        • Extra precision when you need it most
      • Relief on the internal corners for reliable accurate marking
        • Even if your board has “fuzz” on the edges
      • O-1 Tool Steel and Brass construction, made in the USA

Saddle Tail – 2

 The ST2 retains all of the best features of the original Saddle-Tail: Beautiful workmanship, two in one tool design: Dovetail Marker and Saddle Square, Durable materials, and incredible balance & ergonomics. Those woodworkers who exclusively use mechanical pencils will likely prefer the ST2 over the original Saddle-Tail as there are no reliefs or chamfers that can cause offsets when marking with a fine tip mechanical pencil. 

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The ST2 was designed for a lower price point, it doesn’t have some of the features original Saddle-Tail has but allows us to offer this tool at a lower price:
1) No inside corner reliefs: This is a lot of additional machining to make. Your boards will need to be squared up. However most skilled craftsmen will tell you that your boards should be square and true prior to laying out your joinery. NOTE: woodworkers who exclusively use mechanical pencils will likely prefer the ST2 over the Saddle-Tail as there are no reliefs or chamfers that can cause offsets when marking with a fine tip mechanical pencil.
2) The steel head and brass handle are joined by hardened steel pins pressed into the two pieces: This allows for less machining; drilling, countersink, taping and less handwork installing screws.
3) The handle retains the classic machined flute for ergonomic handling; however the edges of the handle have been eased with a file instead of chamfer milled: This eliminated more machining.
The Saddle-Tail-2 is still a premium layout tool being both a dovetail marker and saddle square IN ONE SINGLE TOOL but is more economically priced. The price  for the ST-2 is $85 each.
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Copyright © Sterling Tool Works LLC 2013-2019

13 Responses to Saddle-Tail® Dovetail Marker

  1. Lynn Hinman says:

    I received the order of the saddle squares, I am astonished and amazed at the build of these. I have used many saddle squares in the past and these by far are the best. They are solid and the heft is great, the way I like it. These will be cherished so much that I am going to build a case to hold them to be sure they are protected and I can have it on my bench when I do dovetails. The quality of craftsmanship is the best I have seen. I was hesitant of buying these because of the price and will tell everyone I know, don’t hesitate – you cannot place a price on quality and these are the best. Thank you!

  2. Lucas Kuebler says:

    Fantastic tool, rock solid fit and finish! Every dovetail I’ve ever cut has been marked out with one, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  3. John H. says:

    The saddle-tail is such a great little tool! Excellent design and beautifully made. When making hand-cut dovetails I need all the help I can get, and this tool eliminates some of the opportunities for me to mess up. Thank you!

  4. Pingback: Tools in the Top Till of Chris Schwarz Tool Chest

  5. Tom Kelly says:

    The items arrived. I could not be happier or more impressed with the level of packaging, quality, and customer service.

    Thanks again for all the help.


  6. Keith Meisenhelter says:

    Live in USA do you have distributors here would like to try saddle-tail

  7. Kenny says:

    I bought the Saddle-Tail2 because I prefer to use pencils when marking out my dovetails. For those of you who are hesitant to buy the ST2 because of the $65 price tag, as I initially was, once you receive this beautiful tool, you’ll quickly understand why the tool costs what it does, and may actually be surprised that it costs this little. After all, how can you put a cost on perfection? Yes, I consider this tool to be perfect! Perfect in every way – from the impeccable workmanship, to the high quality and beauty of the materials used. I have never had occasion to use words like ‘perfect,’ and ‘impeccable’ before, in describing a tool, but in this case, those words aptly apply. I intend to buy at least 2 more of the Saddle-Tail2, in different slopes of course, and rather than thinking twice about the price, I will just be grateful and happy that I discovered a life-long tool of this high caliber. A tool that will last many lifetimes over, and one which I will be pleased with every time I have an opportunity to use it. And the price of this masterpiece will never enter my mind, because as I said before, how can you put a price on perfection? Congratulations on this one, Sterling Tool Works, and keep up the splendid work!

  8. Dan Currie says:

    Hey Chris,
    I received my order today and the Saddle-Tails and dovetail square set look great! Can’t wait to use them. And what a nice surprise to get the limited edition Saddle-Tails you brought back from Handworks 2015.
    Thanks! Dan

  9. Pingback: the bare bones | The daily skep

  10. Kenneth says:

    Hi Chris,
    Just received my plane hammer, my 1:8, 1:6 and 90 degree Saddle-Square square markers with three position Saddle-Sling. I am delighted with the purchase, I appreciate the quality of craftsmanship you put into your products keep up the excellent work. Please feel free to post this on your website as a recommendation of your products. Thank you again for your time and efforts.

  11. Peter Fecht says:

    Hi Chris
    I recieved the plane hammer , just works as i thought right weight and balance thank you very much .
    cheers Pete

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