Introducing the Saddle-Sling!

The latest accessory from Sterling Tool Works is the Saddle-Sling, a convenient holster to store your Saddle-Tail units in your tool chest or workshop.  Designed to be screwed onto a vertical surface, your fingers wrap easily around the steel head of the Saddle-Tail to quickly lift the unit out to use.  This also provides more area below available in your tool chest for other items.

Saddle-Sling 1 Cropped

The Saddle-Sling is a collaboration with a Friend of mine, Jason Thigpen at Texas Heritage Woodworks:  He is a fine craftsman making Incrdible custom canvas aprons and other leather goods!   Each Saddle-Sling is made by hand with hand swaged rivets and grommets.  Saddle-Slings are available in Single, Dual and Triple position configurations for those that have the full suite of Saddle-Tail units.  Saddle-Slings are priced $20, 27.50 and $35 respectively and come with brass #5 slotted woodscrews for installation.

Saddle-Sling Group Cropped

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LN event this weekend in Minneapolis, MN

This weekend Lie-Nielsen is having a Hand Tool Event at Danish Teak Classics located in Minneapolis, MN.

Mark Hicks of Plate II Bench Co. will have Some Saddle-Tails and Saddle-Tail2 units with him, be sure to check them out.  Many customers have said you don’t get the “feel” of a Saddle-Tail until there is one in your hands.  Mark will be happy to accommodate ANYONE that wants to feel and see a Saddle-Tail (or ST-2) unit up close.  Visit Mark’s Website here.


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Introducing the Saddle-Tail2!

One of the most asked questions since I started Sterling Tool Works was when will you make a less expensive Saddle-Tail. After some months of work I am ready to announce the Saddle-Tail2. The ST2 retains all of the best features: Beautiful workmanship, two in one tool design, Durable materials, and incredible balance & ergonomics.

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What the ST2 doesn’t have that the original Saddle-Tail has:
1) No corner reliefs: This is a lot of additional machining to make. Your boards will need to be squared up but when laying out joinery your boards should be square and true.
2) The Head and Handle are joined by hardened steel pins pressed into the two pieces: This allows for less machining; drill, countersink, tap and less handwork installing screws.
3) The Handle retains the classic flute for ergonomic fit; however the edges of the handle have been eased with a file instead of chamfer milled: This eliminated more machining time.
The ST-2 is still a premium layout tool being a dovetail marker and saddle square in one tool but is more economically priced. The price for the ST-2 is $60, the original Saddle-Tail is still available for $75 each. 

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Saddle-Tail Dovetail Marker Review – Walke-Moore Tools

Aaron Moore one of the founders of Walke-Moore Tools posted a comprehensive review of the Saddle-Tail dovetail marker on their Blog. Aaron does some direct comparisons in his review to some other Dovetail marker and saddle square tools on the market. You can read the whole review here. Here are a few of my favorite quotes :

“Now lets get into the things I like about this dovetail marker… and there is a surprising amount for such a small tool.  First off, the manufacturing quality is top notch.  The fit is outstanding and the finger recess machined in the brass is the first indication of the thought that went into the tool.”

“Dovetailed carcasses are also over 3/4″ in many cases so the additional length of the Saddle-Tail, as I said before, is my favorite feature.”

“In closing I’ll say this, the Saddle-Tail guide from Sterling Tool Works is an outstanding tool I highly recommend and one you will be proud to own.”

Thank you Aaron!


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I’ll get by with a little help from my friends…

Where would we be with out our friends.  I am fortunate to have met some wonderful people in my life, and many of them have been woodworkers.

Last year at Woodworking In America (WIA) I met Mark Hicks of Plate II bench Co.  Mark is a great guy who is making ready to fit Roubo Bench Kits that are awe inspiring.  Later last year Mark purchased a Saddle-Tail, I was honored to be an early toolmaker represented in his growing hand tool kit.

This past weekend Mark helped spread the word about Sterling Tool Works and the Saddle-Tail at the Lie-Nielsen hand tool event in Kansas City.  Thank you Mark for the help!

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