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Our Vision: Sterling Tool Works is inspired by artisans that create fine work. Our vision is to bring highly refined tools to market that are both beautiful, functional and therefore, inspire and enable artisans to produce their very best work.  

Sterling Tool Works -“Fine tools that Inspire”™

November 2017  – Announcing Roubo Curves® “Series II” Large scale stainless steel French Curves for full size layouts. Click here to order.

Roubo Curves in Action

August 2015  – Announcing Roubo Curves® – Large scale stainless steel French Curves for full size layouts. Click here to order.

Saddle Tail - Dovetail and Double Square

May 2015 – Announcing Sterling Dovetail Square Sets! Click here to order!

Raney With Hammer

June 2014 – Announcing the Sterling Tool Works Plane Hammer! Click here to order! 

Dove Tail Markers Saddle Tail 5

August, 2014 Announcing new Saddle-Tail® units, FIVE Slopes now available!   Click here to order!

January 2014 Update: We continue to keep busy with orders since Chris Schwarz named the Saddle-Tail the day 7 tool of his 2013 Anarchist Gift guide.

“If you use a dovetail marker, this is the best one I’ve encountered yet.”

We appreciate the review Chris and others have provided (see them on the “In The News page“) as well as the comments and feedback from our customers.  Please stay tuned for some new product releases in the next week on our New Products page!

Copyright © Sterling Tool Works LLC 2013-2019

29 Responses to

  1. Garret Olberding says:

    I recently purchased a dovetail square and, so far, I like it a lot. I’ve seen the ones produced by Veritas and Vesper and, I must say, I like better the design of Sterling Tool Work’s. The narrow yet robust end of the blade, its length, the solid, easy to hold stock (which is not so big that it would register unfortunate undulations in the reference surface and then throw off one’s measurement)–all are particular to Sterling Tool Work’s. I not only use it for dovetails, I use it for mortises and any other recessed joint for which I want a tight, even fit–housed lap joints, the straight side of a sliding dovetail mortise, and so forth. I’d recommend it to anyone needing a dovetail square (or a square for any recessed joint). Indeed, all of the Sterling Tool Works tools I’ve purchased (a set of Roubo curves, a plane hammer, in addition to the dovetail square) are truly well made and excellent to use. I’m very glad I have them.

    • Chris Kuehn says:

      Thank you very much for your feedback! Many of our customers find that the Dovetail Square becomes their primary sqaure when they are not taking measurements! You point out many of the beenfits of our Dovetail Rule that make it the best in class for woodworkers, thank you so much for your support!
      Best wishes,

  2. David says:

    This is the first time I’ve been compelled to post a comment about woodworking tools. I’ve purchased the Roubo curves, two saddle tails and the dovetail rule and all are exceptional. It’s not just the quality of the craftsmanship, but the functionality. I was using my 4” Starrett double square to check my dovetail pins for squareness, but the dovetail rule makes this much easier. It’s not just useful for small dovetails, but the small rule seems to make imperfections in more traditional size dovetails easier to spot also. I was really surprised by the difference. I feel confident of the results I will get and highly recommend these tools.

  3. Brandon Lawrence says:

    After purchasing a saddle marker and a dovetail square and seeing the extraordinary quality I opted to get a plane hammer as well, which also far exceeded my expectations!

    Now my dilemma is I want all of the dovetail markers to complete the set… Santa?

  4. Barry Dima says:

    Chris, thanks so much for the fantastic (and fast!) customer service–not to mention wonderfully made dovetail square. There may still be hope for me to finally build a square carcass now!

  5. Sean Mahurin says:

    Thank you Chris for a well made product. I ordered the saddle-tail and dovetail ruler and now that I have received them I can’t wait to put them to use.

  6. Alex Gratzer says:

    If pinching pennies floats your boat go to Walmart, son, they have you covered. Nice and cheap. But if your tastes lean toward high quality, if you like the heft and feel of solid craftsmanship and good old Yankee ingenuity, you’re looking in the right place. I just placed my second order with Sterling Tool Works. They don’t have much, but what they have is great stuff.

  7. Joe Williams says:

    I have ordered a plane hammer and now two saddletails. I could not be more impressed with the quality of these tools. I don’t even own a single wood plane but I ordered the hammer. These are just beautifully made and exceptional tools to hold.

    Reasonably priced for what they are, we need more wonderful tool makers out there thank you!

  8. Ben W says:

    A few months ago I reached out to Chris looking to purchase some his tools. I had never seen them first hand, but ogled at images of them online for a long time. When I decided to go ahead and purchase them Chris was great to communicate with. I ended up getting a pair of Saddle-Tails, a dovetail square, and a set of Roubo Curves.

    Every time I reach for any of these tools I’m amazed at the craftsmanship. They’re works of art in their own right and I love using them. I look forward to outfitting my tool chest with more of Chris’s work, hopefully, in the near future!

    Keep doing what you’re doing, Sterling Toolworks!

  9. Horace Gordon says:

    I purchased the 1:4 saddle-tail dovetail marker, the French (Roubo) curves and the 6″ protractor. These are all beautifully crafted and machined. If you want to add to your heirloom-quality tools, they are worth every penny.
    Chris is very responsive to questions and comments. He clearly takes great pride in his work, and cares about his customers.

  10. Mike Morgan says:

    I recently purchased the Roubo/French curves. They are fantastic, particularly the largest of the lot. I am happy to have found a set that is more substantial than the small plastic one typically available. The curves are a great help in furniture design.

  11. Joe Beaulieu says:

    I recently ordered a 24″ Rule, a 6″ cherry Hamilton marking gauge, and a 1:4 Saddle-Tail; all are exactly what you would expect – outstanding examples of heirloom quality tools. I really like the 24″ rule – I am getting older and my eyes are not the best. The contrast is so much better than with other rules, including my Starrett ones – I plan on ordering the 12″ and 6″ next.

    Chris is a phenomenal host, understanding my issues and getting my orders out immediately. I will be buying again, this is very nice stuff!


  12. Hugh Edwards says:

    Dear Chris,

    Your Roubo curves are perfect for what I bought them for: scribing curves on wood veneers. Perfect! Including hard ribbed veneers such as oaks.

    Best wishes,


  13. Joseph Baz says:

    Hi Chris,
    I received the double square and the dovetail square yesterday,I’m extremely impressed by the quality of finish (it looks even better in the flesh than in the photos),I think the journey was about 10 days to Australia,I am very happy with my new toy and thanks again.
    Cheers,Joe Baz

  14. Chris,

    I just received my set of “Roubo” French Curves, and I really have to say, this was a set of tools that’s time had come. So many manufacture’s have addressed the problem of design and layout, with “single” radii tools, when we all know, that to truly design a piece to please the eye, the larger the amount of options available, the more free flowing and graceful, and “personal” we can make the piece. French curves are uniquely designed for this purpose. I’ve used a plastic set of drafting curves for years. Expanding their reach by all sorts of methods. You’ve finally offered an economical, extremely robust answer.

    I own several of your tools, and these adhere to your strict level of standards. I was proud to “waller” out a place in one of my toolboxes to fit these within.

    Thank you again,

    Pete van der Lugt
    Briley Woodworks

    • Chris Kuehn says:


      Thank you so much for your feedback! It makes all the effort worth it to know that Sterling Tool Works tools do what I set out for them to do: “To produce highly refined tools that both inspire and enable craftsmen to create their best work.”

      Thank you for your continued support!

      Best regards,


  15. Mike O'Brien says:

    I ordered a Saddletail 1:4 after both reading about it in a Chris Schwarz blog and then seeing it in action with him using it in his new LN Dutch Toolchest DVD. I was impressed by the apparent quality of the Saddletail in the DVD so I ordered one. I must say that the tool is even better in your hand than is apparent on the video. It is better balanced with great hand feel and heft than any other DT market I own. The others seem like toys in comparison. If you are hesitant because of the cost as I was, I can assure you it is worth every penny and will be the last DT marker you buy unless you want a Saddletail in a different proportion. A Wonderful and beautiful tool.

    • Chris Kuehn says:

      Thank you very much Mike! It’s comments like yours that really make my day and drive me to be a better toolmaker! Its difficult to translate the feel of the tool, but your comments have done a beautiful job -THANK YOU!

  16. Mike Nicley says:


    Just wanted to let you know that I’ve received my saddletail and I love it. I’ve yet to cut a dovetail with it, but I’ve used the saddle side a few times. The tool, as has been said by so many others, just feels right; it’s a true pleasure to use.

    I’m glad to support a small business that committed to manufacturing their product to the highest possible quality and doing it here in the USA. (And it’s nice to know I’m getting the best tool on the market.)

    Keep up the great work.

  17. Scott Kay says:

    I just received my 1:4 Saddle Tail and it is everything I was hoping it would be – a real piece of quality craftsmanship. It completely lives up to my expectations for buying it:

    1.The incredibly superior quality and weight of materials (I wanted a lifetime tool and one I could hand down to my son someday).

    2. The set of design features that are built in to it:
    – the saddle square that will allow me to mark both the face and end of the board simultaneously,
    – the relief cuts at the inside corners,
    – and the groove for your fingers – a very thoughtful and useful design feature! This took just LOOKS like it will feel good in your hand! And having held mine, my hands totally agree!

    I must tell you that I am a beginner woodworker and I bought this tool in order to start practicing marking and sawing dovetails. I hate wasting good money on junky tools, so I buy tools that not only will last forever, but are so well-designed and well-made they cry out to be used! That’s what this Saddle Tail is – a tool that makes you happy whenever you pick it up and make something!

    Thanks Chris for such a superb little tool!

  18. Bryan Robinson says:

    I saw Chris today at a Lie Nielsen hand tool event and it was awesome! If anyone had told me I would spend $50 for a dovetail gauge, I would have told them they were full of baloney. But after using it I bought it on the spot. It is a wonderful product and at least a dozen other people today thought so as well.

  19. David Dougherty says:

    I just received my Saddle-Tail today and went right out into my shop to give it a whirl. It is nothing short of awesome and you should order one immediately, before the world catches on and Chris runs out of inventory! 🙂 Please help the burgeoning toolmaker grow his business (I gave a few hints in a separate email; nudge/wink). I can’t wait to see what comes next.


    David from Oregon

  20. Ed says:

    Looks like a well designed, and high quality product. Looking forward to more awesome tools in the future

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